Tuesday, April 29, 2008

My blast will last

I am now me,

I feel new like something neat,

so tied up holding my self together,

after collecting it from the weather,

I stand tall now,

not afraid facing the drough',

the final countdown won't pass on me,

like i was waiting to die,

i'm now free,

i'll stand again for what's right,

having the will, myself in sight,

taking the lead,

the power to smite,

but this time not my rights not my feelings,

or the people who present many meanings,

i'll smite that demon inside me,

crush it's soul causing it flee,

i won't run again an that's for sure,

and right now it'll be your,

turn to fight turn to flee,

turn to choose what you're gonna be,

and i'll always be with you,

cuz it's now me,


Monday, April 28, 2008

Fight Fright

*Fight * Fright*

When I sat on my own,
From that night till that dawn,
I couldn't fight against my tear,
Cuz my heart was full of fear,
Fear from the future, the people I know,
Fear from the things I already saw,
Can I be good again,
Can I take myself from this drain,
Can I love another one,
An' see the rays of the future sun,
It's ur fate man u gotta face,
It's your goals u have to trace,
Instead of running u have to chase,
It's ur life, so crack the case,
No I can't I can't fight the whole night,
I have to think I have to choose,
Cuz I don't even intend to lose,
I'll do the things that seem to be right,
So keep running man die like a dog,
But show us where you've reached through that fog,
An' to where you've sailed through your tears,
An' the no. of turns done by your lowlife gears,
While we enjoy our lives after a long fight with our fears,
Mock u despise your loss take a shot an' say cheers,
No this ain't gonna be I'll win you'll see,
I don't care cuz I have the key,
What the.. it was myself I'm talking to,
I have to accept it it's not my foe,
Hey what's the matter with me Why can't I feel any thing now,
It's the warrior spirit within ur soul don't ask me why don't tell me how,
Well then I've got a war to fight,
I won't run another night,
Cuz I knew the wrong from right,
Hey here he is in my sight,
Smile punk you're gonna be dead,
I don't care about my blood cuz I've plenty to shed,
